We're thrilled to announce our term time programme of events for children and young people of all ages. This year, we're introducing some amazing new classes that you won't want to miss!
New Classes Highlight:
All new Dance Steps starting in Feb
ClanJam music sessions for Parents and under 6;s
Saturday Sketchers, relaxed informal drawing sessions for 12 years plus starting in Feb.
DramaRama - Wonder fools Theatre Project working on an award winning play to perform in April.
But that's not all!
We're also bringing the 'Arts Award' to schools, empowering young artists to achieve their creative goals. Plus, our Stranded Cat Record Label is continuing to work with talented young musicians, helping them to produce and share their music.
We will also be working with Young writers on our 'Young Critic' training and development initiative as well as working in partnership with Paragon.
And don't forget, all children and young people will have the opportunity to perform at the Glenkens Got Talent in April!
For full details, visit our website: www.csyoungcreatives.com

Join us for an unforgettable term of creativity, learning, and fun!